Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dear Disneyland,

I am always so baffled whenever I spend the day here. For whatever reason the Happiest Place On Earth tends to attract the most random assortment of people eva. Of all places I love to people watch, Disneyland is by far the most intriguing. Today I witnessed an array of mullets. From men to women, some straight to super curly, one solid gray, one middle aged male with distinct blonde high lights on his long dark brown locks. In total, I kid you not, I saw at least ten. Granted, about half way through my day I was seeking them out, but come on, I didn't have to look far nor wide. I thought the mullet was a figment of the past, something that died in the early 1990's. Little did I know, the mullet is alive and well in the lands of Disney.
Another crowd that I just don't understand the Disney connection between is the younger angry punk situation. They are everywhere. Or at least it felt that way. Kids between the ages of 11-15 dressed in all black, with central lip piercings, depressing iron on patches, hot topic checkered belts, and rocking the Nightmare Before Christmas attire they just purchased in front of the Haunted House Manson. I thought Disney was happy and stuff, but these kids are ragging with preteen hormones and have a really bad attitude. (cutting lines, i fucking saw it. that shit ain't cool.) I gave this lame line cutters group of four kids the angriest death stare I conjure up in that moment. And I fucking meant it.
I'm not even going to go into the amount of gang members i saw. Fuck dude, you keep your scary, pulsating spider neck tattoos at home. And not distract me from my awful $12 burger.

Anywho...Good times with the family today. I'd like to make a big holla to Walt Disney for letting people of all backgrounds and whatever come together to enjoy a day line waiting, gross food, and expensive paraphernalia that I absolutely must have and will never like when I get home.

You're the best. Till the next time more of my foreign family visits,

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