Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear Jenny Lewis,

You complete my life. I have been a huge fan of Rilo Kiley since I was a junior in high school; it's been nothing but lovin. I'm so happy that you're coming out with a new album. I was overjoyed to hear all the new things you're trying on Acid Tongue from the leak, what a tease. You obviously took all the new ideas from Rilo's last album, Under the Blacklight and incorporated them into the new solo tracks. This CD is a 180 turn away from the other Jenny solo album Rabbit Fur Coat. I mean, not that I wasn't obsessed at the time, its just nice to hear something a little new from you. The new tracks were delightful to listen to and I can't wait to have the CD in my hands, then blaring threw my ipod headphones. It'll be true, true love. I know hearing Trying My Best To Love You live is going to make me cry, I can't wait.
You're great. I hope this is your big break. But, Jenny don't be a sell out. Or I'll hate you forever.


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